À propos d’IIBEC (l’Institut International des Experts-Conseils en Enveloppe de Bâtiment)
IIBEC, origininalement RCI Inc., est une association internationnale de professionnels, consultants, architectes et ingénieurs spécialisés pour la conception des toitures, l’étanchéité et l’enveloppe de bâtiment.
Depuis 1983, les membres d’IIBEC offrent des conceptions impartiales, des solutions pour des réparations, la surveillance et le contrôle qualitatif des travaux, des expertises légales et de la gestion générale pour les travaux de toiture. En mars 2006, la mission et l’étendu des services ont été élargies pour inclure l’étanchéité et l’enveloppe de bâtiment. Cette action reflète la compréhension que les problématiques qui affectent la toiture influencent l’ensemble des composantes de l’enveloppe de bâtiment. Nous avons remarqués qu’il y a une augmentation dans la fréquence des demandes auprès des membres d’IIBEC, pour répondre aux préoccupations sur l’ensemble du bâtiment, de la fondation jsuqu’à la toiture.
Les programmes spécialisés en toiture (RRC), en étanchéité (RWC), en murs extérieures (REWC), en observateur pour murs extérieurs (REWO) et observateur pour la toiture (RRO) distinguent les professionnels ayant des normes éprouvées en matière d’éducation, d’expérience et d’éthique professionnelle.
À propos du chapitre Québec Ontario (CQO)
Le chapitre Québec Ontario a été approuvé par IIBEC International en janvier 2021 en tant que 2e chapitre dans la région VII. Anciennement connue sous le nom Division de la Capitale Nationale, le chapitre du Québec Ontario couvre géographiquement la totalité de la province du Québec ainsi que l’Est de l’Ontario, à partir de Kingston, On.
Énoncé de mission
L’objectif du chapitre Québec Ontario est de fournir une plate-forme locale pour l’avancement des valeurs et des objectifs de l’IIBEC, de promouvoir des relations et une coopération plus étroite entre les professionnels de l’industrie qui sont engagés ou directement liés à la communauté de l’enveloppe du bâtiment.
About IIBEC (International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants)
IIBEC was originally RCI, Incorporated which is an international association of professional consultants, architects, and engineers who specialize in the specification and design of roofing, waterproofing and building envelope systems.
Since 1983, IIBEC members have offered unbiased design, re air planning, quality observance, legal testimony, and general roof management services. In March of 2006, it expanded its mission and service scope to include waterproofing and the building envelope. This action reflects the understanding that roofing issues often influence the entire building envelope. It was discovered that in increasing frequency, IIBEC members are are called upon to address building-wide concerns from below-grade to rooftop.
The Registered Roof Consultant (RRC), Registered Waterproofing Consultant (RWC), Registered Exterior Wall Consultant (REWC), Registered Exterior Wall Observers (REWOs) and Registered Roof Observer (RRO) programs distinguish professionals with the proven standards of education, experience and ethics.
About Quebec Ontario Chapter (QOC)
The Quebec Ontario Chapter charter was approved by IIBEC International in January 2021 as the second Chapter under Region VII. Formerly known as the National Capital Branch governed under the Southern Ontario Chapter, the Quebec Ontario Chapter’s geographical territory generally covers the province of Quebec and Eastern Ontario beginning in Kingston.
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Quebec Ontario Chapter is to provide a local platform for the advancement of IIBEC’s values and objectives, to promote closer relations and cooperation among the industry professionals which are engaged in, or directly connected with the building enclosure community.
Superteck Experts-Conseils is a company specializing in the maintenance and envelope of buildings, offering a wide range of building expertise and engineering services. Their team of engineers and experts offers services such as building inspection and expertise, project management and monitoring, site supervision, as well as engineering services including structural inspection and analysis, concrete deterioration expertise, and smart sensor installation. They are also able to intervene in the event of an emergency and remove snow from roofs.
Millenium Manufacturing Agents Inc. is a Canadian company specializing in the manufacture, design and concept of various solutions for roofing and building envelopes. Headquartered in Longueuil, Quebec, the company focuses primarily on the commercial and industrial markets, offering a diverse range of products including slope insulation systems for flat roofs, safety and fall protection equipment such as freestanding railings and anchors, as well as various accessories for commercial and industrial roofing. Millenium is strongly committed to promoting Canadian excellence, using primarily local materials for its manufacturing, which reflects its commitment to the local economy and the quality of its products.
For over 70 years, Covertite has provided quality roof systems to protect your most valuable assets. This third generation, family-owned business has a proven track record of safety, quality and integrity that has stood the test of time.
Couvreur Rolland Boudreault is a family business founded in 1972 and working in the field of construction, specialized in all types of commercial roofing, in the Ottawa region and its surroundings.
CRB Couvreur Rolland Boudreault
Since 1982 we put our roofing expertise at your service, whether it’s roofing for a commercial, industrial or institutional building, our company has been known for our exceptional workmanship since 1982.
At FSA, our highly accredited team delivers a customized solution for every building envelope and structural project we tackle because we understand that each project is different, and every client is unique.